023 - 554 37 80 | info@deboernotaris.nl | ma t/m vr | 9.00 - 17.00 uur 




DescriptionRate *
Drawing up a ‘Baarns Beslag’ letter (attachment before mortgage registration)€ 151.25
Failure to deliver the required documents within five working daysHourly rate case handler
Postponement of ‘passeerafspraak’ (execution deadline)Hourly rate notary
Amending the completion statement (per amendment)€ 30.25
Repayment of credit (per credit)€ 114.95
Drawing up a non-notarised power of attorney€ 114.95
Drawing up a statement of consent€ 114.95
Drawing up a sales contract€ 931.70
Registering a purchase deed with the Land Registry€ 181.50
Requesting titles/copies of deeds from the Land Registry (per title/copy) *excluding Land Registry fees€ 30.25
Surcharge for a ground lease or building rights€ 242.00
Surcharge for membership rights€ 211.75
Surcharge for apartment rights€ 151.25
Contacting mortgage bank (per contact)€ 18.15
Other collateral or bridging in mortgage deeds€ 272.25
Mortgage holder consent for second/third/bridge loan€ 272.25
Change in priority (ranking)€ 151.25
Notarised power of attorney€ 344.85
Settlement of business expenses
(subject to timely submission of assessments)
Drawing up a deed of acknowledgement of debt€ 90.75
Drawing up a deed of cancellation€ 393,25
Arranging an interpreter/translator
(to be determined by the notary)
€ 151.25
Authentication of signature€ 139.15
Issue of additional statement€ 54.45
Inspection of bankruptcy register, guardianship register, GBA, VIS€ 66.55
Dismissal of joint and several liability (not by bank)€ 344.85
Ambiguities in documents providedHourly rate case handler
Inheritance/other researchHourly rate case handler
Checking a self-made purchase contract
(including advice by letter/email)
Hourly rate case handler
Notice of defaultHourly rate
Fee for the file start-up costs in the event of cancellation
(excluding costs incurred)
€ 181.50
Records retention fee€ 54.45
Surcharge for partial deed of cancellation (unreported bridge loan)€ 393.25
Investigation of the origin of own funds declarationHourly rate case handler

* The above amounts are inclusive of VAT and exclusive of cadastral rights.

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