023 - 554 37 80 | info@deboernotaris.nl | ma t/m vr | 9.00 - 17.00 uur 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you did not find the answer to your question here, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with us!

If you accept our quotation, you need to inform your estate agent and/or intermediary of the contact details of your chosen notary. The estate agent will then ensure that the purchase agreement is sent to our office so we can create your file. The intermediary will ensure that your bank is notified of your choice of notary so that your bank can send the mortgage documents to our office following final approval.

The costs payable by the owner of the property are settled between the seller and the buyer. These costs include Dutch property tax (Dutch: OZB) and a portion of the water rates. Sewerage charges vary from one municipal council to another; in some cases, the sewerage charge is occupancy-related and in others, these charges are for the owner(s).

The draft deed(s) and completion statement will be sent to you no later than one week prior to the date of execution.

The notary is only permitted to disburse the money once he has fulfilled his duty to transfer property to the buyer or grant the mortgagor a right of mortgage that is not encumbered by other mortgages and attachments. The latter only becomes apparent once the deed has been registered with the Land Registry. For this reason, the notary is unable to disburse the purchase price/mortgage monies immediately after signing the deed of transfer/mortgage. There is a legal requirement to do a final check on the actual day of registering the deed with the Land Registry to see whether the property may have been seized by a creditor, for example, immediately prior to execution. This is the reason why the notary can only transfer the funds two working days after execution.

The redemption statement is requested from the bank as of the execution date. As described under the section ‘When will I receive my funds?’, we are only permitted to disburse the mortgage repayment or other payment to the bank two working days after execution. This is in accordance with the subsequent statutory title research at the Land Registry which is conducted upon registration. For this reason, daily interest is added to the mortgage debt up to and including two working days after the date of execution.

Yes, you can. Please telephone our office to let us know exactly which documents you wish to receive. Please note that there are costs involved. You will need to collect these documents from our office in person.To receive the documents, you will need to present valid proof of identity.

No, we are not open during late-night shopping and/or Saturdays. We are open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. The first appointment of the day is at 9am and the last appointment at 4pm.

Our terms and conditions can be found on our website.

Click here for the General Conditions in English.

Notaries are legally required to report unusual financial transactions that may be related to money laundering or the financing of terrorism to the Financial Intelligence Unit (Dutch: FIU-Nederland).
Here you can read exactly what our obligations are as civil law notaries.

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