023 - 554 37 80 | info@deboernotaris.nl | ma t/m vr | 9.00 - 17.00 uur 



Congratulations! You’ve decided to move in together!

This is an exciting time for you both, and there are also a number of important matters to consider. It is a good idea to formally document any agreements that are made just in case things do not turn out as you had hoped. From a financial point of view, it is also advisable to have any agreements put in writing.

We would be pleased to assist you with the official handling of agreements relating to the division of income, household expenses, and ownership of your shared residence in Hoofddorp or surrounding area.

If your relationship ends, we can also assist you with answers to questions such as who stays in the house, what happens to joint assets, and how to come to an agreement on the legal guardianship of the children. If your relationship ends, we can also assist you with answers to questions such as who stays in the house. What happens to joint assets, and how to come to an agreement on the legal guardianship of the children. Our notary office in Hoofddorp is ready to assist you.

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